Now that we're in December and the year begins to wind up, there are limited opportunities now for artists to realistically release new albums. We're still waiting on a few that were promised this year, and as the days go by, the chances that these release become even more minimal. However, there still was a plethora of good music this year that did get released, in every field and genre imaginable.
Yesterday, Rolling Stone released their top 100 albums of 2023 list. It's rough, with some super controversial albums making the list, and some not even on the list. Some albums are ranked too high, some albums are too low, and so on. The issue with music publications like this is they want clicks so bad rather than putting out their best, most definitive list of albums that they actually do think should make the top 100. It's almost as if publications like Rolling Stone and Billboard now try and go with the more quirky and 'out there' picks in order to impress people, in a way that's like 'yeah, we listen to underground music too!' But the facade doesn't fool anyone, as the most popular albums of the year still make their way to the top of the list. Here are some highlights of albums that were placed in interesting spots, to say the least.

'SOS' by SZA
Billboard Rank: #1
Rank it should've been: Not even on the list
Yes SZA's 'SOS' was a good album, but it wasn't even released in 2023. It was released in December 2022. How this is on the list from a reputable music publication is beyond me.

'Sundial' by Noname
Billboard Rank: #13
Rank it should've been: Way lower
Noname is a good artist, but this album barely pushes barriers. For an album that we waited for for five years, this is not as good or as concise as her previous work. Its almost like Rolling Stone heard this album and went, 'hmm, this is similar enough to her old stuff,' and put it at 13.

'For All the Dogs' by Drake
Billboard Rank: #35
Should've been: Not even on the list
Just filler. How is this #35 and Utopia isn't on here.

'Lahai' by Sampha
Billboard Rank: #76
Rank it should've been: Way higher
Make it make sense... how is that Drake album #35...

'blómi' by Susanne Sundfør
Billboard Rank: -
Rank it should've been: Somewhere on the list would've been nice
One of the best albums this year.